EMT - Tactical

9 Mall Terrace
Savannah, Ga  31406
Phone 912.692.8911

National Recognition:

The Department of Homeland Security has selected Rescue Training Incorporated to conduct emergency medical training for the U.S. Border Patrol. RTI was awarded the contract for its experience in training medics for the U.S. Army Rangers, as well as numerous law enforcement agencies.. reported by WTOC, 2004, David Rousseau, drousseau@wtoc.com

V.A. Recognition
Approved for the use of educational benefits .

DHS Recognition
Selected to provide course to the US Border Patrol Tactical Unit (Bortac)

Responsibilities of the Commander

The tactical medic serves as an advisor to the unit commander, but the health and safety of the team is ultimately a command responsibility, which cannot be abrogated. The commander’s functions include:

  • Providing command level support to the team medical officer for matters relating to health and safety. The commander should demonstrate through intent and action a true interest and concern in the physical and psychological welfare of team members.
  • Ensuring appropriate medical coverage for all team activities.
  • Ensuring that the tactical medic maintains his medical skills at a level equal to his tactical skills through continuing education and clinical work.
  • Ensuring that adequate equipment, supplies and other resources are provided f or the tactical medic to successfully carry out his mission.
  • Facilitating implementation of the medical officer’s recommendations when determined to be in the best interest of the team.




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