Spc. Damon G. Winkleman–Medic– Killed in Afghanistan 20 Sept 2009

Spc. Corey
J. Kowall, 20, an infantryman
from Murfreesboro, Tenn., and
Spc. Damon G. Winkleman, a
23-year-old combat medic from
Lakeville, Ohio, died of
injuries sustained in a vehicle
rollover in Zabul province.
soldiers were assigned to the
2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute
Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade
Combat Team, 82nd Airborne
Two other
soldiers injured in the crash
are in stable condition in
Landstuhl, Germany, awaiting a
flight to the U.S., said Maj.
Brian Fickel, a division
vehicle rolled over while
traveling to a site where there
had been a report of an
improvised explosive device,
Fickel said. The rollover was
not due to direct enemy contact,
he said.
joined the Army in September
2007, enlisting as a combat
medic. In May 2008, he reported
to the 82nd Airborne Division
and was assigned to the 2nd
Battalion, 508th Parachute
Infantry Regiment as a combat
Winkleman was an outstanding
medic and paratrooper. He was
passionate about his profession,
always eager to gain more
medical knowledge. He was more
than willing to care for his
fellow paratroopers in their
time of need and will be sorely
missed by all,” said Staff Sgt.
William Epps, the medical
platoon sergeant.
is survived by his parents,
Richard and Patricia Winkleman
of Lakeville, Ohio.
Winkleman’s awards and
decorations include the Good
Conduct Medal, the National
Defense Service Medal, the
Global War on Terrorism Service
Medal, the Afghan Campaign
Medal, the Army Service Ribbon
and the Parachutists Badge.
deployed to Afghanistan in
August along with 3,300 others
with the 4th Brigade Combat
A memorial in their honor will be held in Afghanistan.